Box 6
Contains 6 Results:
Hunger Table of Contents: Governor Cuomo's Message to the Legislature, January 1984 Policy, Advocacy, and Justice-The Case of the Food Assistance Reform by Janet Poppendieck (unpublished) Hunger, USA. Beacon Press, Boston, 1968 Public and Private Efforts to Feed America's Poor, GAO Report, June 1983 Report to the Presidents Task Force on Food Assistance (Executive Summary) January 1984 Hunger Watch-New York State (Part 1) February 1984 American Hunger Crisis, Harvard University 1984 Emergency Food Assisatnce Program (Federal Register 4/83) U.S. Conference of Mayors-Status Report: Emergency Food, Shelter and Energy Programs in 20 Cities, January 1984, 1968, June 1983, January 1984, February 1984, 1984, 4/83
Correspondence, publications, newspaper clippings, scrapbooks and related records pertaining to the Housing and Feeding the Homeless Program that existed in the School of Hotel Administration at Cornell.
Homeless Table of Contents: Governor Cuomo's Message to the Legislature, January 1984 Editorial-Robert Maroney. The Urban and Social Review. Vol. 17 No. 1 Winter 1984 1933/1983 Never Again: Report of the National Governors Conference Homeless in America (Newsweek) The Homeless of New York (Public Interest) The Plight of Homeless Women, Madeline R. Stoner (Social Service Review) An Analysis of Public and Private Sector Provisions for Homeless People, by Madeline Stoner (The Urban and Social Change Review) Homelessness: A Comprehensive Policy Approach by Nancy K. Kaufman (The Urban and Social Change Review) Legal and Welfare Rights Advocacy: Complimentary Approaches in Organizing on Behalf of the Homeless by Michael Fabricant and Irwin Epstein (The Urban and Social Change Review) The Single Room Occupant Elderly (SRO), Rubenstein, unpublished, January 1984, Winter 1984
Correspondence, publications, newspaper clippings, scrapbooks and related records pertaining to the Housing and Feeding the Homeless Program that existed in the School of Hotel Administration at Cornell.
Notebook: Correspondence and literature about various United States hunger and food assistance programs. (Organized by geographical region.)
Correspondence, publications, newspaper clippings, scrapbooks and related records pertaining to the Housing and Feeding the Homeless Program that existed in the School of Hotel Administration at Cornell.
Philabundance/Philadelphia Committee for the Homeless
Correspondence, publications, newspaper clippings, scrapbooks and related records pertaining to the Housing and Feeding the Homeless Program that existed in the School of Hotel Administration at Cornell.
Homeless Shelters in New York State (Addresses)
Correspondence, publications, newspaper clippings, scrapbooks and related records pertaining to the Housing and Feeding the Homeless Program that existed in the School of Hotel Administration at Cornell.
Miscellaneous Media Coverage (including the Cornell University Housing and Feeding the Homeless Program)
Correspondence, publications, newspaper clippings, scrapbooks and related records pertaining to the Housing and Feeding the Homeless Program that existed in the School of Hotel Administration at Cornell.