Consists mostly of graphic arts materials of Howard McCormick, representing his work as a wood engraver, cover designer, illustrator, and muralist, and includes prime prints, tear sheets, sketches, lecture slides, linoleum blocks, glass plate negatives of Navajo, Hopi, and Apache Indian dances, photonegatives of a trip to Mexico, a wood engraving print of Abraham Lincoln's head, magazine articles written by McCormick, exhibition catalogs, and similar materials. Also includes letters to Howard McCormick from his brother Frederick, a Reuter's correspondent in the Far East, in which he describes living conditions, customs, and superstitions among the Chinese, recounts his experiences reporting the Russo-Japanese War, and gives his impressions of the Russians; and business and personal correspondence from relatives and family friends. Correspondents include Carl Akeley, Josephine Newell, and Grace McCormick Wilson.
Includes a woodblock print by Howard McCormick of Borglum's bust of Lincoln.
- 1900-1941.
- McCormick family. (Family)
Language of Materials
Collection material in English
8.6 cubic feet. (8.6 cubic feet.)
Consists mostly of graphic arts materials of Howard McCormick and correspondence of family and friends.
Physical Description
Prime prints, tear sheets, sketches, lecture slides, linoleum blocks, glass plate negatives, photonegatives, correspondence.
- Contact Information:
- Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections 2B Carl A. Kroch Library Cornell University Ithaca, NY 14853 (607) 255-3530 Fax: (607) 255-9524
- Compiled by:
- M. Warren
- Date completed:
- May 1992
- EAD encoding:
- Ann Hubert, March 2004
- Date modified:
- Jude Corina, August 2017
- Akeley, Carl.
- Apache Indians.
- Artists.
- China.
- Glass plate negatives.
- Graphic arts.
- Hopi Indians -- Dances.
- Indians of North America -- Pictorial works.
- Lantern slides.
- Lincoln, Abraham, 1809-1865.
- McCormick, Frederick.
- McCormick, Howard.
- Navajo Indians.
- Newell, Josephine.
- Photonegatives.
- Russians.
- Russo-Japanese War, 1904-1905.
- Wilson, Grace McCormick.
- Status
- Completed
- Author
- Compiled by M. Warren
- Date
- March 2004
- Language of description
- Undetermined
- Script of description
- Code for undetermined script
Repository Details
Part of the Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections Repository
2B Carl A. Kroch Library
Cornell University
Ithaca NY 14853
607-255-9524 (Fax)