Scrapbooks of Robert Hastings Stevens (1802-1889), and "Letters to the Editor," 1880-1885; scrapbooks of Frederick Plummer Stevens (1810-1866), Albert Gallatin Stevens (1818-1872), and Albert Clark Stevens (1854-1919); University of Michigan scrapbook of Albert C. Stevens, 1872-1874, and newspaper clippings, 1874-1894. Letterbook of F.P. and A.G. Stevens, 1853-1855; deed, Otho Stevens to Daniel Stevens, 1764; letters to Sarah Caroline Greene Stevens and her daughter, Cora Caroline Stevens Reynolds, 1853-1890; Albert Gallatin Stevens and Sarah Greene Stevens vs. J.W. Clark, depositions and correspondence re the settlement of the Stephen B. Greene estate, ca. 1830-1860; photographs; diplomas; "Stevens Notes," family history compiled by Winifred Lovering Holman, 1951; printed genealogy, 1891; and genealogical chart, ca. 1960.
Correspondence, letterbooks and other papers relating to Robert S. Stevens' work as manager of the Missouri, Kansas, and Texas Railway and the Hannibal and St. Joseph Railroad, and to his investments in Kansas lands, letterbook of correspondence from Frederick Charles Stevens pertaining to his breeding and sales of Maplewood Holstein-Friesian cattle. Also, 88 letters to Cora Stevens Reynolds (1850-1870), and letters to Cora's daughter, Doris Reynolds. Additional material includes a diary from 1861 kept by Alden S. Stevens, records between Frederick Charles Stevens and several American equestrian organizations including documents relating to his presidency of the New York Horse Show Association, photographs, abstracts, transcripts and other papers.
Letters written by Albert Ivens Croll to his wife Helen from a trip to Japan and China in 1904, which also mentions preparations in Japan for the Russo-Japanese War. Also, "Journey to the Pacific: The Letters of Albert Ivins Croll, February 2 to May 26, 1904," with transcriptions of the letters and illustrations, compiled by Robert C. Stevens and Ann H. Stevens, 2010.
Miscellaneous files of Robert Sproule Stevens during the period when he was dean of Cornell Law School. Materials concerning the search for Stevens's successor. Also, a diary kept by Stevens as a young lawyer in Buffalo, 1914-1915, with entries about professional, social, and family events.
Also, letter relating to a tour of Switzerland and Italy taken by Robert and Jane Stevens in 2002, with a CD Rom version of the diary and sketches of Pauline Stevens' European trip in 1935-1936. Volume of letters received by Robert C. Stevens on his 80th birthday, volume of his replies, and CD of his 80th birthday party, January 3, 2004.
Copy of a talk by Jane K. Stevens to the Johnson School's "Women's Power Luncheon," 2004. Also Class of 1945 materials compiled by Jane Stevens, particularly relating to Reunions.
Correspondence, 1910-1914, relating to the Telephone Improvement Company, incorporated October 18, 1910, with Frederick C. Stevens as Director and principal offices in Attica, N.Y. Largely letters copied or sent to F. C. Stevens by Garrison Babcock, a telephone engineer who held over a dozen patents in telephony and managed several telephone companies, particularly the North Electric Company, of which Stevens was president for a time. Includes technical information about the "automanual system" that the company sold, and business, political, and other issues of the companies.
"Line A Day" diary of Marian Stevens, January 1, 1904 - December 31, 1908, with a bound edited transcript by Jane K. and Robert C. Stevens and Ann H. Stevens (with a CD copy); and Cornell memorabilia, including two scarves and three football buttons (2 Cornell, 1 Harvard).
DVDs of Stevens family trips and events including, Ireland and mainland Europe, San Francisco, Watkins Glen Grand Prix, Flights of Gemini III and Ranger IX, Africa, Barbados, Jamaica, Alaska and others.
- [ca. 1775-2010]
- Stevens family. (Family)
- Stevens, Marian. (Person)
- Stevens, Robert C. (Person)
- Stevens, Jane Knauss. (Person)
- Stevens, Ann H. (Person)
Language of Materials
Collection material in English
Family History
The Stevens family documented in this collection can be traced to Otho Stevens of unknown parentage and birthplace, although it is probable he was born in Great Britain and certainly died in Hampstead, N.H. in 1771. Descendent and resident of Pittsford, NY, Robert Croll Stevens, a genealogist and biographer, collected materials documenting the personal and professional lives of five generations of Stevens family, beginning with Alden Sprague Stevens, 1795-1874, a member of the fourth generation of the Stevens family.
Other major members of the Stevens family documented in this collection in descending order of generation are: Robert (Wadleigh) Smith Stevens, Frederick Charles Stevens, Robert Sproule Stevens, and the collector himself, Robert Croll Stevens. In addition, published and unpublished materials relating to members of the immediate families of these men has been carefully sought and included.
52.8 cubic feet. (52.8 cubic feet.)
Materials collected by Robert Croll Stevens documenting the personal and professional lives of five generations of the Stevens family.
The first series is the Alden Sprague Stevens Generation. Alden Sprague Stevens (Series I-A), born November 9th 1795, is the oldest major member of the collection. He was the eldest of nine sons of Archelaus Stevens, a New Hampshire farmer. Alden married Ascha Floyd Smith Stevens (Series I-B) in 1818. Alden was a teacher and a Deputy Sheriff, Crier of the Court, Deputy US Marshall, and judge of Genesee County (1835-1840). Alden helped get a charter for the continuation of a railroad from Batavia to Buffalo in 1836. He was Superintendent of Common Schools, and started the second Teacher's Institute in the United States. He was president of the Attica Collegiate Institute for 12 years. In 1857, Buchanan appointed him Special Agent for Indian Affairs, and he enumerated the Indians in Kansas. His lectures show that he was in favor of educating both sexes, and that he was pro-temperance and anti-corporal punishment. Three of Alden's brothers are included in this series: Robert Hastings Stevens (Series I-C), a lawyer from Buffalo, Frederick Plummer Stevens (Series I-D), who was mayor of Buffalo and shared a law practice with his brother Albert Gallatin Stevens (Series I-E). Albert's wife, Sarah Caroline Greene Stevens (Series I-F), is also included.
The second series is the Robert [Wadleigh] Smith Stevens Generation. It includes his elder sister Caroline Eliza Floyd Stevens Briggs and her husband Rufus Briggs (Series II-A). The largest amount of material belongs to Robert [Wadleigh] Smith Stevens (Series II-B). Though Robert dropped the name Wadleigh, the name or initial is often used in this collection to help distinguish him from the many other Roberts in the Stevens family. Robert had an illustrious career as a railroad builder and manager. He grew up in Attica, NY, where his father was an educator and also a railroad supporter. After working for an election campaign and helping Buchanan become President of the United States, Robert went west to Lecompton, Kansas, where after being financially ruined, he was appointed General Manager and supervised construction of the MK & T; Railroad (aka the Missouri, Kansas and Texas Railroad; aka the Katy). He was renowned for the speed of the construction, and was able to repay all his debts and, in fact, accumulate a fortune. He and went next to St. Louis, Missouri, where he managed the Hannibal and St. Joseph Railway. He is also known for building state housing for Native Americans unsettled by US expansion. After retiring from the railroad business, he became a United States Congressman representing New York, and was a personal friend of President Grant. Also included are Robert's wife, Mary Proctor Smith Stevens (Series II-C), and two children of Albert Gallatin and Sarah Caroline Greene Stevens: Albert Clark Stevens (Series II-D) and his sister Cora Caroline Stevens Reynolds (Series II-E), who married John Reynolds.
The third series is the Frederick Charles Stevens Generation. Frederick Charles Stevens (Series III-A), son of Robert W. and Mary Proctor Smith Stevens, was born Charles Frederick. He was a businessman involved in everything from his father's railroads to banking to farming, importing and raising horses and cattle. He went to Cornell University, but did not graduate. He became a New York State senator, then a New York State Superintendent of Public Works, and then a Cornell trustee. He married Isabel "Belle" C. Stevens and was given the Maplewood Farm in Attica, NY as a wedding present from his father. Frederick was not particularly successful as a businessman in his lifetime, and the family did not consider him to be very accomplished. However, a contemporary author recognized his importation of Holstein cows as having had a far-reaching effect on cow and dairy farming in North America. Doris Reynolds May (Series III-B) is the daughter of Cora Caroline Stevens and John Reynolds. Not included in this series are the papers of Robert Hastings Stevens, M.D. (born 1907), son of Albert Clark Stevens. Like the donor, "Dr. Bob" is a genealogist, and his materials, which contain correspondence with the genealogist Winifred Lovering Holman, are in Series VI-B (the genealogy series).
The fourth series is the Robert Sproule Stevens Generation. It contains material on Robert Sproule Stevens (Series IV-A), son of Frederick and Belle, who was the Dean of Cornell's Law School from the late thirties until the mid-fifties. He was a Harvard graduate who taught corporation law especially well. He was on presidential assigment during WWII, in commissions on Uniform State Laws, Lend-Lease, and Foreign Economic Administration and lived in Washington, D.C. from 1942-45. Helen Pauline Croll Stevens (Series IV-B), who went by Pauline, was Robert's first wife. She grew up outside of Boston and had an outgoing twin sister, Grace. Pauline liked children, writing, and painting, and she joined her sister in theatrical activities. She toured Europe as a teen, and met Robert Sproule when he and his family went to their summer home in Manchester, MA, right across the street from Pauline's house. Pauline kept a diary as an adolescent, and also as the new mother of Robert Croll Stevens, and has many drawings, paintings, postcard and photograph albums. Pauline died in 1936, when her son was only 12. She had been taking medication which had been affecting her adversely, and she was depressed; one day she fell out of a window to her death. Robert Croll went away to Hackley almost immediately, and Robert Sproule did eventually marry again, to a childhood friend from Rochester, Eva Loomis Howe Stevens (Series IV-C), a vivacious and social woman who was able to bring her husband out of his shell. She took charge of entertaining her husband's colleagues and students at their house in Cayuga Heights, and became beloved in the law school. She was involved with philanthropy with the George Junior Republic, where they named a house after her. She got along very well with Robert Croll. Also included in the series are Robert Sproule's older sisters, Helen Lee Stevens Gregory (Series IV-D), who married George Gregory, and Marian Stevens (IV-E), whose materials include sketches, paintings, and other artwork.
The fifth series is the Robert Croll Stevens Generation. Robert Croll Stevens (Series V-A), the donor of the collection, was born January 3rd, 1924. He grew up in Ithaca and attended Harvard. He worked in Rochester as a purchasing agent for Stromberg-Carlson, and retired early to become an author. He has several published volumes on his family's history (which are catalogued in this collection as Series X). The series also contains some material belonging to his wife, Jane Eleanor Knauss Stevens (Series V-B). Born September 7th, 1925, Jane grew up in Poughkeepsie, NY and attended Cornell. Her brother Bill, who was friends with Robert Croll from their years at Phillips Academy, also went to Cornell and graduated with a degree in Mechanical Engineering (1945). After Jane graduated in from Cornell in 1945, she worked for a year in her father and uncles' meat packing business. She came back to Cornell to become the only female in the first class of thirty-three students in the School of Business and Public Administration (now the Johnson Graduate School of Management), and was the first woman to receive an MBA from Cornell, in 1948. Her brother Bill was also in that first class and graduated with an MBA in 1948. Jane met Robert Croll when he came to Cornell to visit her brother Bill while they were in graduate school. Jane and Robert were married in the summer of 1948, and she became a professional volunteer. She has been active in Rochester Republican party activities, child abuse awareness, public radio and television, and Cornell alumni activities. The couple has three daughters and one son.
Other materials include Robert Croll Stevens' and Dr. Robert Hasting Stevens' research about the family's genealogy (Series VI), maps and regional history (Series VII), photographs and postcard collections (Series VIII), audio/visual materials (Series IX), and books on family history (Series X). Transcriptions of much of the correspondence have been undertaken and are available for researchers (Series XI). Published materials have been separated from the collection and are listed in Appendix A.
Series I. Alden Sprague Stevens Generation
Alden Sprague Stevens (1795-1874)
Personal Papers
Business Papers
Ascha Floyd (Smith) Stevens (1796-1882)
Robert Hastings Stevens (1802-1889)
Frederick Plummer Stevens (1810-1866)
Albert Gallatin Stevens (1818-1872)
Sarah Caroline (Greene) Stevens (1833-1875)
Series II. Robert (Wadleigh) Smith Stevens Generation
Caroline Eliza Floyd (Stevens) Briggs (1821-1893) and Rufus Briggs (1820-1892)
Robert (Wadleigh) Smith Stevens (1824-1893)
Personal Papers
Business Correspondence (non-railroad)
Business Papers (non-railroad)
Railroad Papers
Mary Proctor (Smith) Stevens (1828-1917)
Albert Clark Stevens (1854-1919)
Personal Papers
Business Papers
Fraternal Organizations
Cora Caroline (Stevens) Reynolds (1856-1936)
Series III. Frederick Charles Stevens Generation
Frederick Charles Stevens (formerly Charles Frederick) (1856-1916)
Business Correspondence
Financial Documents/Business Documents
Personal Papers
Doris Reynolds May (1887-1974)
Series IV. Robert Sproule Stevens Generation
Robert Sproule Stevens (1888-1968)
Cornell Law School Papers
Federal Employment Papers
The Telechrometer Company, The Telephone Improvement Company, and the North Electric Company
Personal Papers
(Helen) Pauline Croll Stevens (1885-1936)
Personal Papers and Writings
Estate Papers
Eva Loomis Howe Stevens (1892-1988)
Personal Papers
Charitable Donations
Estate Papers
Helen Lee Stevens Gregory (1880-1953)
Marian Stevens (1885-1974)
Series V. Robert Croll Stevens Generation
Robert Croll Stevens (b. 1924)
Personal and Academic Papers
Business Records
Financial Papers
Jane Knauss Stevens (b. 1925)
Series VI. Genealogy Research and Allied Families
Robert Croll Stevens Research Files
Robert Hastings Stevens (b. 1907) Research Files
Stevens Family
Stevens Family
Flood (Floyd) Family
Green(e) Family
Knight Family
Olney-Whipple Family
Smith-Achilles-Allen Family
Sproule Family
Knauss Family
Croll Family
Croll Family
Blackburne-Sharpe Family
Knowles Family
Series VII. Regional History: Maps and Articles
New York
(For railroad maps, see Series II-B, Boxes 63, 75-76)
Series VIII. Photographs
Family Homes and Other Locations
Frederick C. Stevens Vacation Photographs
Robert C. Stevens Snapshots
Photograph Albums
Postcard Collections
Other Images: Gravestones, Engravings, Prints
(For railroad photographs, see Series II-B, Boxes 63, 72)
Series IX. Audio/Visual Materials
A/V Records of the Trip Around The World 1935-36; VHS Videocassette Tapes; Audio Cassette Tapes; CD's/DVD's; Other Formats (recording tape, microfilm, museum items)
Series X. Books Related To The Family
Ancestry Of The Children Of Robert Croll Stevens And Jane Eleanor (Knauss) Stevens. Compiled by Robert Croll Stevens, Pittsford, New York, 1982-2001. 6 Volumes.
The Life and Times of Alden Sprague Stevens, 1795-1874. Edited by Robert C. Stevens, 1975.
Robert Sproule Stevens, 1888-1968: Transcript of Interview (July 6-10, 1965). Compiled by Robert Croll Stevens, n.d.
Journals and Poems of [Helen] Pauline Croll Stevens. Edited by Robert Croll Stevens, 1993. 3 Volumes.
Series XI. Transcriptions
Alden Sprague Stevens Generation
Robert (Wadleigh) Smith Stevens Generation
Frederick Charles Stevens Generation
Robert Sproule Stevens Generation
Robert Croll Stevens Generation
Physical Description
Scrapbooks, correspondence, letterbooks, newspaper clippings, photographs, postcards, depositions, ledgers, diaries, family history and genealogical materials, abstracts, maps and regional history, audio/visual materials, transcripts, and other papers.
- Contact Information:
- Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections 2B Carl A. Kroch Library Cornell University Ithaca, NY 14853 (607) 255-3530 Fax: (607) 255-9524
- Compiled by:
- Kim Bedetti, Amy
- Date completed:
- July, 2002
- EAD encoding:
- Peter M. Martinez, August, 2002
- Date modified:
- Marcie Farwell, December 2018
Some material from the collection has been digitized and is online here:
- American Hackney Horse Society
- Attica (N.Y.) -- Commerce.
- Buffalo (N.Y.) -- Politics and government.
- Buffalo (N.Y.) -- Social life and customs.
- Cattle -- Breeding.
- Cattle -- Pedigrees.
- Cattle breeders.
- Clark, J. W.
- College teachers -- New York (State) -- Ithaca.
- Cornell Law School
- Croll, Albert Ivins.
- Dairy cattle -- Breeding -- New York (State)
- Families -- New York (State) -- Buffalo.
- Families -- New York (State) -- Clinton.
- Genealogies.
- Greene, Stephen B.
- Hannibal and St. Joseph Railroad Company
- Holman, Winifred Lovering, 1899-1989.
- Holstein-Friesian cattle.
- Horse breeders.
- Investments -- Kansas.
- Japan -- Description and travel.
- Lawyers -- New York (State) -- Ithaca.
- Missouri, Kansas and Texas Railway Company
- North Electric Company
- Railroads -- Management.
- Reynolds, Cora Caroline Stevens.
- Reynolds, Doris.
- Scrapbooks.
- Stevens, Albert Clark, 1854-1919.
- Stevens, Albert Gallatin, 1818-1872.
- Stevens, Alden S.
- Stevens, Daniel, active 1764.
- Stevens, Frederick C.
- Stevens, Frederick Plummer, 1810-1866.
- Stevens, Otho.
- Stevens, Robert Hastings, 1802-1889.
- Stevens, Robert S. (Robert Sproule), 1888-1968.
- Stevens, Sarah Caroline Greene.
- Telephone Improvement Company
- Telephone.
- University of Michigan -- : Students.
- Status
- Completed
- Author
- Compiled by Kim Bedetti, Amy
- Date
- Aug. 13, 2002
- Language of description
- Undetermined
- Script of description
- Code for undetermined script
- Box: 63b (Mixed Materials)
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- mapcase folder: 3 (Mixed Materials)
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Repository Details
Part of the Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections Repository
2B Carl A. Kroch Library
Cornell University
Ithaca NY 14853
607-255-9524 (Fax)