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Cornell University News Service records

 Collection — Multiple Containers
Identifier: 4-3-15


Includes correspondence, news press releases, notes, publicity material, newspaper clippings, distribution lists, administrative files, photographs, biographies, and other records of events at Cornell such as an Andrew Dickson White Commemorative Service, 1957; Cornell University Dinners; communism at Cornell; Olin Library Dedication, 1962; visit of Vice President Richard M. Nixon, 1956; installation of Cornell President Deane Waldo Malott; Festival of Contemporary Arts, 1950-1959; School of Industrial and Labor Relations dedication; Cornell Latin American Year, 1965-1966; International Student Conference, 1965; Cornell's centennial; and other events. Typescript and mimeographed press releases concerning faculty, students, and events at Cornell University. Audiotapes of radio programs and campus events, radio productions, movie films, and other records.

Photographs used by News Service and in Publications in the normal course of their operations. Contains photographs used by News Service throughout its history, spanning a wide range of subjects, which includes buildings, people, events, student activities, and other Cornell-relation miscellany.


  • [ca. 1920s-2000s].


Language of Materials

Collection material in English


The Cornell University News Service was formerly known as the Office of Public Relations, Public Relations and Information, and the News Bureau. It currently reports to the Vice President for University Relations.


250 cubic feet. (250 cubic feet.)

7 volumes. (7 volumes.)


Includes correspondence, news press releases, notes, publicity material, newspaper clippings, distribution lists, administrative files, photographs, biographies, and other records of events at Cornell.


Series I. Press releases and News Service records 1930s-1950s Collection #4-3-111 boxes 1-8

Series II. Press releases 1940s-1970s Collection #4-3-885 boxes 1-9, 11-15. Box 10 is believed lost at the Annex

Series III. Office of Public Information records, 1940s-1960s Collection #8-1-1186 boxes 1-2

Series IV. News Bureau records, 1950s-1960s Collection #8-1-1321 box 1

Series V. Office of Public Information news files, 1920s-1970s Collection #8-1-1699 boxes 1-6

Series VI. Cornell University News Services records, 1920s-2000s Collection #8-1-15 boxes and volumes 0-22 and superseded by #4-3-15 boxes 23-152. Boxes 99-114 are part of an addition from the Cornell Chronicle that then continues with boxes 133-152.

Subseries VIa. Press Releases, News Clippings, Distribution Lists, Administrative Files, Subject Files General Alpha Subject File, Mostly 1970s Alpha Subject File, Mostly 1980s Alpha Subject File, 1990s-2000s Cornell Bylaws and Board of Trustees Press Releases Lectures Fellowships Cornell Faculty and Staff Biographies and Curriculum Vitae 1960s-1970s The Cornell Tradition Clippings and Press Releases by Individual, last name General Alumni Subject File Trustee Subject File Faculty Subject Files

Subseries VIb. Photographs Athletics and Physical Education Buildings (Interior and Exterior) Classes, Programs, and Student Activities People People by Category Individuals by Last Name Events Miscellaneous Outdoor Locations Science (Research, Labs, and Experiments)

Series VII. Cornell University News Service records, Audio and Visual Material Includes, but not exclusively, collection #4-3-885 Tapes

Physical Description

Photographs, Printed material


Contact Information:
Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections 2B Carl A. Kroch Library Cornell University Ithaca, NY 14853 (607) 255-3530 Fax: (607) 255-9524rareref@cornell.edu
Compiled by:
RMC Staff, Kathryn Flannigan, Theo WolfKatie CruzEvan Earle
Date completed:
October 2014
EAD encoding:
Kathryn Flannigan, Theo WolfEvan Earle, 2012, 2014Katie Cruz, August 2014 - Summer 2015
Date modified:
Marcie Farwell, November 2018


Includes collections 8-1-15, 4-3-111, 8-2-350, 8-2-565, 4-3-885, 8-2-885, 4-3-922, 8-1-1186, 8-1-1321, 8-1-1699.

Photographic assignments done by Jill Peltzman are located in 4-3-15 Box 63.

See also Cornell University Relations and Public Information Office audio visual records collection #4-3-875:

See also Cornell Clippings File, #13-8-3367:

See also Cornell University Council records collection #8-2-1359 for public information office records pertaining to the Council and information pertaining to special campus events attended by members, such as dedications.

Compiled by RMC Staff
June 2012
Language of description
Script of description
Code for undetermined script

Repository Details

Part of the Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections Repository

2B Carl A. Kroch Library
Cornell University
Ithaca NY 14853
607-255-9524 (Fax)