#53-2-2391. Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections, Cornell University Library. Field notes follow the standard for North American Ichthyology summarized on pp. 13-16 in Fishes of the Great Lakes Region (1947), by C. Hubbs and K. Lagler. The numbering convention is initials, number of collection, year (e.g. ECR-10-1935 is the tenth collection made in 1935 by Edward C. Raney). Beginning in 1936, he numbered the notes sequentially, e.g. ECR-254.
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#53-2-2391. Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections, Cornell University Library. Field notes follow the standard for North American Ichthyology summarized on pp. 13-16 in Fishes of the Great Lakes Region (1947), by C. Hubbs and K. Lagler. The numbering convention is initials, number of collection, year (e.g. ECR-10-1935 is the tenth collection made in 1935 by Edward C. Raney). Beginning in 1936, he numbered the notes sequentially, e.g. ECR-254. https://aspace3-test.library.cornell.edu/repositories/2/resources/405 Accessed February 22, 2025.