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Words of the World's Children Collection

 Collection — Multiple Containers
Identifier: 8525


Includes tapes and records concerning language development in children.

This collection includes research data and related materials from almost 40 years of study of language acquisition created by the Cornell Language Acquisition Lab and by the international Virtual Center for Language Acquisition Research data collected across the world from numerous languages are included: English, Sinhala, Japanese, Chinese (Mandarin), Hindi, and Arabic are reflected each through a series of experimental and naturalistic studies with children, aged 2 to 8 years of age, eliciting speech production and comprehension. Subsequent research included: Spanish, Korean, German, Dutch, Tulu, Inuktitut, French, Tamil, and Malayalam. Additional data involving multilingual language acquisition include: Basque-Spanish, Hebrew-English, Korean-English bilingual child data, as well as adult second language (English) study including Indonesian, Italian and Chinese and contrastive study of Spanish and Japanese acquisition of English.

Much of these language data derive from comparable experimental designs allowing unique comparability across languages across the developmental course of language acquisition, with children grouped by age. Research data includes audio files as well as metadata on each subject, transcripts and translations across languages, supplemented by lab records on experimental methods in each study allowing replication studies. Multilingual child acquisition data are supported by video recordings for several longitudinal case studies.

Research data and materials are supplemented by archived course materials to support survey of the field of language acquisition, and of multilingualism acquisition, and for teaching lab methods for the study of language acquisition. (HD/COGSt/Ling/Psych 436, 437, 437, 450 4710). Course materials include video modules introducing methods for eliciting language production and comprehension data from children under scientific research methods. They exemplify several published experimental studies resulting from such methods.

In addition, collection materials include course materials for courses in the study of the Cognitive Psychologist , Jean Piaget, and the ‘Growth of the Mind’ (234, 334, 434).


  • 1979-2015.


Language of Materials

Collection material in English


This collection consists of audio and audio-visual recordings, and records of child language. It is cross-linguistic with assessments in each language which are comparable across languages.

Research has been funded by a number of NSF grants: NSF7825115, and dissertation grants to Reiko Mazuka and David Parkinson. Development of a cyberinfrastructure for the collection, preservation and archiving of research data has been funded by NSFOCI-0753415 to Maria Blume and Barbara Lust, NSF 0437603 to Janet McCue (Mann Library) and Barbara Lust, and a Planning Grant for the VCLA to Barbara Lust NSF BCS 0126546. An open course in multilingual language acquisition has been funded by the Cornell University Provost Grant:

All data and materials have been collected by a number of interdisciplinary Principal Investigators or groups of investigators, each generally expert in one language or another, and each director of selected data sets which they have collected and analyzed.

Maria Blume, Spanish
Jennifer Austin, Spanish-Basque bilingualism
Yuchin Chien, Chinese
Claire Foley and Cristina Dye, French
Katharina Boser, German
Shamitha Somashekar, Tulu, and Hindi
Tatsuko Wakayama, Japanese
Reiko Mazuka, Japanese
Yarden Kedar, Hebrew
James W. Gair, (in memorium), Sinhala (with Milan Rodrigo, Kalyani Karunatillake and John Rogers)
David Parkinson, Inuktitut
Isabelle Barbier, Dutch
Suzanne Flynn, English and bilingualism
Gita Martohardjono, (adult) bilingualism
Carissa Kang, child bilingualism (Chinese-Malay-English)
Alicia (Ah-Young) Kim, child bilingualism, Korean


88 cubic feet. (88 cubic feet.)

10.4 megabytes.


Includes tapes and records concerning language development in children.

Physical Description

Sound and A/V recordings.


Contact Information:
Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections 2B Carl A. Kroch Library Cornell University Ithaca, NY 14853 (607) 255-3530 Fax: (607) 255-9524rareref@cornell.edu
Compiled by:
RMC Staff
Date completed:
February 2016
EAD encoding:
RMC Staff, February 2016
Date modified:
Jude Corina, March 2018
Compiled by RMC Staff
February 2016
Language of description
Script of description
Code for undetermined script

Repository Details

Part of the Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections Repository

2B Carl A. Kroch Library
Cornell University
Ithaca NY 14853
607-255-9524 (Fax)