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Elayne Zalis video studies archive

Identifier: 8231


Collection includes study tapes, catalogues, and correspondence that document the history of U.S. video art. This range of materials documents developments in independent American video throughout the 25-year period of its most significant production, from 1977-1992. These materials provided the background for Elayne Zalis's Ph.D. dissertation on humanities and the media arts at the University of Iowa. The collection also includes the manuscripts and printed editions of Zalis's own multimedia quartet, Recycled Memories. In addition to 150 video tapes available for reference, the Zalis Archive includes a wide range of original exhibition catalogues and monographs on national and international video art, as well as research materials on independent distributors, festivals, and media centers in the 1980s. This collection documents the work of individual artists, group exhibitions, video festivals, distributors, and agencies and sources of commissioned video art, while providing a snapshot of the history of America video art: its production, exhibition, and critical evaluation.


  • [circa 1979-1997].


Language of Materials

Collection material in English


Elayne Zalis received her B.A. in 1975 from the University of Florida in Gainesville and studied library science at Simmons College in Boston, Massachusetts, in 1976. After receiving her M.A. in journalism and scriptwriting at the University of Florida in 1983, Zalis enrolled at the University of Iowa, where she worked with the Special Collections Department of the University of Iowa Libraries on its Artists Television Project. In 1993, she completed her Ph.D. at the University of Iowa in Interdisciplinary Studies, with a focus on humanities and the media arts.


8 cubic feet. (8 cubic feet.)


Research and study materials related to Zalis’ academic work on the history and practice of video art at the University of Iowa and the Long Beach Museum. Includes many significant video artworks on video cassette, related bibliographies, and lists of significant video art production, study and distribution sources during 1980s and 1990s.

Physical Description

Printed material, Publications, Videotapes


Contact Information:
Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections 2B Carl A. Kroch Library Cornell University Ithaca, NY 14853 (607) 255-3530 Fax: (607) 255-9524rareref@cornell.edu
Compiled by:
RMC Staff
Date completed:
October 2012
EAD encoding:
RMC Staff, October 2012
Date modified:
RMC Staff, May 2013
Compiled by RMC Staff
October 2012
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Repository Details

Part of the Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections Repository

2B Carl A. Kroch Library
Cornell University
Ithaca NY 14853
607-255-9524 (Fax)