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Stephan Loewentheil photograph collection

Identifier: 8043


Collection of photographs on various subjects demonstrating the technological evolution of photography, with emphasis on the period of 1822 to 1885. Includes 19th- and 20th-century photographs organized in several major groups.


  • 1822 - 1979


Language of Materials

Collection material in English


40.1 cubic feet.


Series I. Daguerre and the History of Photography Boxes I-1-8

Cased and Framed Photographs: Tintypes, Ambrotypes, and Daguerreotypes Viewers and early animation

Series II. Cartes de Visite Boxes II-1-13; Albums Cataloged as Bound Manuscripts

Alphabetical and By Subject Brady, Lincoln, and the Civil War        Lincoln        Brady Cartes de Visite viewers

Series III. Hand Colored Photographs Boxes III-1-14

Series IV. African American Boxes IV-1-39

Family albums Portraits Framed portraits Cased portraits Studio portraits Snapshots        Work, labor, and occupations        School and athletics Social groups and organizations Erotica Promotional/Celebrity Commercial views Military Medical Mugshots and incarceration Press ImagesImages of violence

Series V. Mathew Brady and the Civil War Boxes V-1-26

Brady Daguerreotypes Unattributed Daguerreotypes, and Brady Cases Without Images Brady Ambrotypes and Tintypes Other Brady Photographs Engravings and Lithographs After Brady Photographs Portraits of Brady and Brady Studio Receipts Civil War Photographs Brady's "Incidents of the War"         Brady's "Views in the Navy Ordinance Yard"         "Brady Photographs" and other photographs by Alexander Gardner         Photographs Attributed to Brady         Photographs by Brady and others        Historian George Sullivan's Mathew Brady Research Archive

Series VI. Lincoln Boxes VI-1-6 Mapcase Folder 1

Series VII. New York History Boxes VII-1-5; Album

Series VIII. Edward Curtis: Native Americans and The West Boxes VIII-1-4


Books - cataloged individually in the Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections

  1. Comte de Paris Civil War photograph album, 8043 Bd. Ms. 1++
  2. Fox Talbot collection of photographs, 8043 Bd. Ms. 2++ v. 1-2
  3. Explorers & Royalty (CDV A), 8043 Bd. Ms. 3++
  4. Varia (CDV B),8043 Bd. Ms. 4++
  5. Scenic (CDV C),8043 Bd. Ms. 5++
  6. Adults (CDV D),8043 Bd. Ms. 6++
  7. Adults (CDV E),8043 Bd. Ms. 6++
  8. Men (CDV F),8043 Bd. Ms. 7++
  9. Women (CDV G),8043 Bd. Ms. 8++
  10. American Notables, Sitters from Brady Studio 1861-1864 (CDV-H), 8043 Bd. Ms. 9++ v. 1-3
  11. Varia (CDV I),8043 Bd. Ms. 10++
  12. Notables: "Giants of British Art" (CDV 48), 8043 Bd. Ms. 11++
  13. Paris: "Portraits Photographiques Prussiens et Français 1870-71" (CDV 53), 8043 Bd. Ms. 12++
  14. Notables: Portrait photographs of actors, singers, dancers, statesmen, and aristocrats, 8043 Bd. Ms. 13++ v. 1-2
  15. Scientists: "British Association for the Advancement of Science" (CDV 66), 8043 Bd. Ms. 14++
  16. Authors: "Authors" (CDV 16), 8043 Bd. Ms. 15++ v. 1
  17. Authors: "Authors" (plus 20 cabinet cards) (CDV 17), 8043 Bd. Ms. 15++ v. 2
  18. Authors: "Authors" (CDV 18), 8043 Bd. Ms. 15 v. 3 tiny
  19. Notables: "American and European Notables", 8043 Bd. Ms. 16++
  20. Photographs of Confederate generals (Southern Civil War generals), 8043 Bd. Ms. 17++ v. 1-2
  21. Authors: "Writers, Critics & Journalists" (12 cabinet cards) (CDV 19), 8043 Bd. Ms. 18++
  22. Disraeli: "Disraeli and His Circle: Free trade Convention 1872" (CDV 25), 8043 Bd. Ms. 19++
  23. India: "George Albert Augustus Walker Album" (CDV 30), 8043 Bd. Ms. 20+
  24. Notables: "European Royalty & Notables" (CDV 47.1 & 47.2), 8043 Bd. Ms. 21+ v. 1-2
  25. Notables: "English Society: The Van Der Weyer Family Album, Camille Silvy Photographs" (CDV 46), 8043 Bd. Ms. 22++
  26. Medical: "Patients and Physicians of Chriton Institute" (CDV 33), 8043 Bd. Ms. 23+
  27. Scientists: "Architects, Engineers & Scientists" (CDV 65), 8043 Bd. Ms. 24++
  28. Scientists: "Scientists" (plus 11 cabinet cards) (CDV 67), 8043 Bd. Ms. 25++
  29. American: small black album, 8043 Bd. Ms. 42 tiny v. 1
  30. Notables: European Law (barristers, judges, lawyers-plus 10 cabinets), brass album with red stones and single brass clasp (CDV 50), 8043 Bd. Ms. 27+
  31. Notables: European Royalty & Notables (plus 8 cabinet cards), brown album with single brass clasp (CDV 51), 8043 Bd. Ms. 28++ v. 1
  32. Notables: Europeans Notables (plus 6 cabinets), red album with single brass clasp (CDV 52), 8043 Bd. Ms. 28++ v. 2
  33. Ecclesiastic: (plus 6 cabinets), brown album w/ brass edge and single brass clasp (CDV 59), 8043 Bd. Ms. 29++
  34. Royalty: Royalty from Belgium, Denmark, China, Turkey, England, etc., large green album (CDV 61), 8043 Bd. Ms. 30++ v. 1
  35. Royalty: Royalty from Italy, Spain, etc., plus 26 cabinets (CDV 62), 8043 Bd. Ms. 30++ v. 2
  36. Royalty: Royalty, carved wooden album (CDV 63), 8043 Bd. Ms. 30++ v. 3
  37. Photographs of New York State Assembly officials (Boss Tweed and New York State government), 8043 Bd. Ms. 31+ v. 1
  38. Photographs of New York State Assembly officials (Album of the Assembly), 8043 Bd. Ms. 31+ v. 2
  39. Photographs of New York State Assembly officials (New York State Assembly), 8043 Bd. Ms. 31+ v. 3
  40. Judiciary Committee of the Constitutional Convention of the State of New York, 8043 Bd. Ms. 32+
  41. New York album, 8043 Bd. Ms. 33
  42. Cameron: "Julia Margaret Cameron" (CDV 20), 8043 Bd. Ms. 34+
  43. India: "Haji Abbas Ali: Historical Album of The Rajas & Taaluqdars of Oudh" (CDV 31), 8043 Bd. Ms. 35
  44. Hartford: "Hartford Family Album" (CDV 28), 8043 Bd. Ms. 36 tiny
  45. Sideshow: "Circus & Sideshow" (CDV 68), 8043 Bd. Ms. 37
  46. Scientists & Artists: "A Notebook of W. F. Ecroyd" (CDV 64), 8043 Bd. Ms. 38
  47. Presidents: "Presidents" (of the United States) (CDV 57), 8043 Bd. Ms. 39
  48. Notables: "Important & Interesting by Brady, Disderi & Others" (CDV 49), 8043 Bd. Ms. 40
  49. Twain: "Mark Twain Album" (CDV 69), 8043 Bd. Ms. 41 v. 1
  50. Twain: "Samuel Clemens Family Album - CDV Signed by Twain" (CDV 70), 8043 Bd. Ms. 41 v. 2
  51. Twain: "Samuel Clemens Family Album" (CDV 71), 8043 Bd. Ms. 41 v. 3
  52. American: small black album (plus 6 tintypes) (CDV 74), 8043 Bd. Ms. 42 tiny v. 2
  53. American: small brown album (CDV 75), 8043 Bd. Ms. 42 tiny v. 3
  54. Notables: "American and European Notables" (CDV 41), 8043 Bd. Ms. 43 v. 1
  55. Notables: "American Notables" (CDV 42), 8043 Bd. Ms. 43 v. 2
  56. Cartes de visite of Union generals and children (Civil War, General Nathaniel Banks album , CDV 77), 8043 Bd. Ms. 44+ v. 1
  57. Cartes de visite of Union generals and children (Union generals, CDV 15), 8043 Bd. Ms. 44 v. 2
  58. Notables: "English & Europeans Royalty & Notables" (CDV 44), 8043 Bd. Ms. 45+ v. 1
  59. Notables: "English & European Notables" (CDV 45), 8043 Bd. Ms. 45+ v. 2
  60. Dickens Family Album, 8043 Bd. Ms. 46
  61. Massachusetts: "Massachusetts Senate" (CDV 32), 8043 Bd. Ms. 47+
  62. Military: "Ecole Speciale Militaire De St. Cyr" (CDV 35), 8043 Bd. Ms. 48+
  63. European:: A European Album, small brown album (CDV 38), 8043 Bd. Ms. 49 tiny v. 1
  64. European: An English Album (CDV 39), 8043 Bd. Ms. 49 tiny v. 2
  65. Notables: European Notables, red album (CDV 76), 8043 Bd. Ms. 50
  66. Youth: Children, Adolescents and Circus Personalities (CDV 72), 8043 Bd. Ms. 51
  67. Medical: "Physicians" (and Scientists) (CDV 34), 8043 Bd. Ms. 52
  68. Souvenir De St. Lazare (CDV 40), 8043 Bd. Ms. 53 tiny
  69. Paris: "Paris Album, Exposition Universelle" (CDV 54), 8043 Bd. Ms. 54
  70. Civil War medicine cartes de visite (CDV 22), 8043 Bd. Ms. 55
  71. Cartes de visite of Lincoln and his generals (Civil War carte de visite photographs, Lincoln and his generals, CDV 23), 8043 Bd. Ms. 56 tiny
  72. Civil War cartes de visite (Abraham Lincoln and portraits of the Civil War years, CDV 21), 8043 Bd. Ms. 57 v. 1
  73. Civil War cartes de visite (Civil War, Charles A. Fisk album), 8043 Bd. Ms. 57 v. 2
  74. Abraham Lincoln ambrotypes and tintype, 8043 Bd. Ms. 58+
  75. Notables: "An American Album" (CDV 43), 8043 Bd. Ms. 59
  76. American: American Album (plus 28 cabinet size photographs), no cover or back (CDV 36), 8043 Bd. Ms. 60+
  77. Hay: "John Hay Album" (CDV 29), 8043 Bd. Ms. 61 +
  78. Regional: Unusual Wooden Display Box With Pull Out Racks, Featuring British and Native Portraits (CDV 58), 8043 Bd. Ms. 62+++
  79. Varia: Brown Wooden Box, top reads "Photographs" (CDV 37), 8043 Bd. Ms. 63+++
  80. New York tunnel extension of the Pennsylvania Railroad, 8043 Bd. Ms. 64+++
  81. Class 1857, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 8043 Bd. Ms. 65+
  82. Charles Dickens letter to Monsieur Silvy, 8043 Bd. Ms. 66
  83. Engineering album of subway tunnels and bridges under construction, 8043 Bd. Ms. 67+

Physical Description

Extent is approximate.

Physical Description

Photographs, correspondence, photocopies, and manuscripts


Contact Information:
Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections 2B Carl A. Kroch Library Cornell University Ithaca, NY 14853 (607) 255-3530 Fax: (607) 255-9524rareref@cornell.edu
Compiled by:
Marcie Farwell
Date completed:
October 2015
EAD encoding:
Marcie Farwell, October 2015
Date modified:
Margaret Nichols, August 2018
Date modified:
Amanda Kiesl, October 2018


Associated book collection cataloged separately.See the "Separated Material" section below for a list of the CDV albums which have also been cataloged individually.

Compiled by Marcie Farwell
October 2015
Language of description
Script of description
Code for undetermined script

Repository Details

Part of the Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections Repository

2B Carl A. Kroch Library
Cornell University
Ithaca NY 14853
607-255-9524 (Fax)