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Methodist Episcopal Church of Corning records

 Collection — microfilm reel: 1
Identifier: 6079


Item 1 contains records of the Painted Post Circuit Quarterly Conference Meeting (1832-1839, Parts A,D) and the Painted Post Church (Part C, 1832-33); records of the leader's minutes for the Coming Circuit (Part B, 1841-44); Quarterly Conference minutes for the Corning Circuit (Part E, 1839-1846) and Quarterly Conference meeting minutes for the Methodist Episcopal Church of Corning (Part F, December 1847-1867). The collection also includes Class No. 1's class leader's records (1839-1844); Trustee's annual meeting minutes (1857-1897); and a register listing the history of, statistics about and a subscription list for the church built in 1861; marriage, probationer's records, and class and membership lists. Subjects discussed include slavery, temperance, a missionary society, revivals and church discipline.

(Note: Sections of this book were in different parts of the volume -right-side up, upside-down, back to front and vice versa.)


  • 1832-1897.


Language of Materials

Collection material in English


In 1832 Painted Post was set off as a separate circuit containing (as of 1837) Little Flatts, Painted Post, "Addison Village", West Addison, Erwin Centre, Campbell and Tioga. In 1833 a class formed at Caton, which was set off with Corning in November 1839. Another division occurred in 1843 when Erwin, Painted Post and Campbell formed a circuit named after the latter two towns. In 1861-62, the Methodist Episcopal Church of Corning built a church which seated 700.


1 microfilm reels. (1 microfilm reels.)


Records of the Painted Post Circuit quarterly conference meeting (1832-1839) and the Painted Post Church (1832-1833); records of the leader's minutes for the Corning circuit, and quarterly conference meeting minutes for the Methodist Episcopal Church of Corning. Also Class Number One's class leader's records (1839-1844), Trustee's annual meeting minutes (1857-1897) and a register listing the history of, statistics about and a subscription list for the church built in 1861; marriage, probationer's, membership and class lists. Subjects discussed include slavery, temperance, a missionary society, revivals and church discipline.

Physical Description



Contact Information:
Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections 2B Carl A. Kroch Library Cornell University Ithaca, NY 14853 (607) 255-3530 Fax: (607) 255-9524
Compiled by:
Date completed:
Sept. 1979
EAD encoding:
Andrea Hektor, Aug. 2004
Date modified:
Marcie Farwell, February 2015
Compiled by S.L.
August 10, 2004
Language of description
Script of description
Code for undetermined script

Repository Details

Part of the Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections Repository

2B Carl A. Kroch Library
Cornell University
Ithaca NY 14853
607-255-9524 (Fax)