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National Historic Preservation Program oral histories

Identifier: 4327


Interviews (59) by James A. Glass on the subject of the development of the National Historic Preservation Program between 1957 and 1980. Interviewees include Lawrence E. Aten, Edwin C. Bearss, Martha M. Bigelow, Tersh Boasberg, J.O. Brew, Helen D. Bullock, John A. Burns, James H. Charleton, S. Allen Chambers, Jr., Ernest Allen Connally, Chris T. Delaporte, Eric N. DeLony, Antoinette F. Downing, Carl Feiss, Robert G. Ferris, John Fowler, Russell W. Fridley, Robert R. Garvey, Jr., George B. Hartzog, Jr., Gary L. Hume, Casey and Lucille Ireland, H. Ward Jandl, George A. Karas, Russell V. Keune, Thomas F. King, Bennie C. Keel, Lawson B. Knott, Jr., James M. Lambe, Ben Levy, Nellie L. Longworth, Elizabeth A. Lyon, James C. Massey, John D. McDermott, Lee McElvain, Terry B. Morton, William Penn Mott, Jr., William J. Murtagh, Lee H. Nelson, Loretta Neumann, Stephen D. Newman, Sally G. Oldham, Mary Carolyn Pitts, Constance Werner Ramirez, Dwight F. Rettie, Jerry L. Rogers, Douglas H. Scovill, Horace J. Sheely, Jr., Carol D. Shull, Ann Webster Smith, Larry E. Tise, Merle Wells, Thomas B. Williams, Frederick C. Williamson, and Alfred B. Wolfe.

Subjects include the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966, the National Park Service, the National Trust for Historic Preservation, the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation, the National Conference of State Historic Preservation Officers, the Office of Archeology and Historic Preservation of the National Park Service, the Heritage Conservation and Recreation Service, Preservation Action, Inc., the U.S. Conference of Mayors' Special Committee on Historic Preservation (Rains Committee), the Tax Reform Act of 1976, Executive Order 11593 of 1971, and the 1980 amendments to the National Historic Preservation Act.


  • 1986-1987.


Language of Materials

Collection material in English

Access Restrictions:

Individual interviews may have specific restrictions.

Restrictions on use:

Tersh Boasberg interview: citations and quotations require written permission until 2004 or during lifetime of interviewee.


Oral history tapes were compiled as research for a Ph.D. dissertation.


168 audiocassettes. (168 audiocassettes.)


Interviews (59) by James A. Glass on the subject of the development of the National Historic Preservation Program between 1957 and 1980. Interviewees include Lawrence E. Aten, Edwin C. Bearss, Martha M. Bigelow, Tersh Boasberg, J.O. Brew, Helen D. Bullock, John A. Burns, James H. Charleton, S. Allen Chambers, Jr., Ernest Allen Connally, Chris T. Delaporte, Eric N. DeLony, Antoinette F. Downing, Carl Feiss, Robert G. Ferris, John Fowler, Russell W. Fridley, Robert R. Garvey, Jr., George B. Hartzog, Jr., Gary L. Hume, Casey and Lucille Ireland, H. Ward Jandl, George A. Karas, Russell V. Keune, Thomas F. King, Bennie C. Keel, Lawson B. Knott, Jr., James M. Lambe, Ben Levy, Nellie L. Longworth, Elizabeth A. Lyon, James C. Massey, John D. McDermott, Lee McElvain, Terry B. Morton, William Penn Mott, Jr., William J. Murtagh, Lee H. Nelson, Loretta Neumann, Stephen D. Newman, Sally G. Oldham, Mary Carolyn Pitts, Constance Werner Ramirez, Dwight F. Rettie, Jerry L. Rogers, Douglas H. Scovill, Horace J. Sheely, Jr., Carol D. Shull, Ann Webster Smith, Larry E. Tise, Merle Wells, Thomas B. Williams, Frederick C. Williamson, and Alfred B. Wolfe.

Physical Description

Cassette tapes.


Contact Information:
Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections 2B Carl A. Kroch Library Cornell University Ithaca, NY 14853 (607) 255-3530 Fax: (607) 255-9524
Compiled by:
Date completed:
EAD encoding:
Peter Martinez, May 2004Maria Keating
Date modified:
RMC Staff, December 2014
Compiled by Staff
May 2004
Language of description
Script of description
Code for undetermined script

Repository Details

Part of the Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections Repository

2B Carl A. Kroch Library
Cornell University
Ithaca NY 14853
607-255-9524 (Fax)