Report of Stage 3 Seminar Conference Toronto (2 copies), 1967-08-06 - 1967-08-16
Minutes, correspondence, financial records, speeches and publications. Operational files, beginning with the papers for the Committee on the Regional Plan of New York of the Russell Sage Foundation and the papers of Charles D. Norton. Material from the New York Metropolitan Region Study done by Harvard and the Regional Plan Association (1956-1961); study of migration in industry by Henry Fagin (1953-1954), Arden House conferences; Inter-County Planning Conference; Race for Open Space, working notes and folders; American Institute of Planners committee reports, minutes, and correspondence; county reference files for the area served by RPA; American Planning and Civic Association, minutes, reports, and correspondence; information files on all subjects connected with urban life; and scrapbooks of clippings about the Regional Plan Association. Major correspondents include Thomas Adams, Frederic Delano, Richard Hurd, Lawson Purdy, Lewis Mumford, Richard Whitten, Edward Bassett, Lawrence Orton, and Flavel Shurtleff.
- 1967-08-06 - 1967-08-16
- From the Collection: Regional Plan Association (New York, N.Y.) (Organization)
Language of Materials
Collection material in English
291.5 cubic feet. (291.5 cubic feet.)
Repository Details
Part of the Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections Repository
2B Carl A. Kroch Library
Cornell University
Ithaca NY 14853
607-255-9524 (Fax)