Root, E.R. (A.I. Root Co.), 1926-1928
Correspondence, reports, and other papers relating to bees and beekeeping. Includes material on the manufacture, patent assignment, alleged patent infringement, and use of royalties of the product made by the Dyce Honey Process; on Nellie J. Stratton's development of a honey and lactose candy; on the coordination of entomologists' research efforts during World War II; on the establishment and growth of the Charles C. Miller Memorial Library; and of the publication of beekeeping journals, pamphlets, and books.
Additional papers include correspondence with other apiologists and entomologists concerning the behavior and raising of bees and improved methods for producing and shipping honey, with the A.I. Root Company of Medina, Ohio, producers of beekeepers' supplies and honey and publishers of Gleanings in Bee Culture, with editors of the American Bee Journal, and with U.S. Representatives Gilbert N. Haugen, Franklin Menges, William L. Nelson, and Gale H. Stalker and Senators Robert F. Wagner, Sr., concerning the opposition of American honey interests to bills (1928, 1930) designed to allow the addition of corn sugars to manufactured products without marking this addition on the label; together with an unpublished ms. by Phillips on the behavior of bees and photograph concerning beekeeping.
Also includes correspondence, 1868-1888; petition relating to adulteration of honey, 1878, and one Japanese fable presented by Marice G. Dadant to Dr. Phillips, 1948, selected by C. P. Dadant and Charles Dadant, previously located in Mann Library, Cornell University.
Correspondents include Charles P. Alexander, Percy N. Annand, Liberty Hyde Bailey, Camille Pierre Dadant, Elton J. Dyce, Livingston Farrand,Albert R. Mann, James G. Needham, Charles E. Palm, Sherman Peer, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Ernest H. Root, Huber H. Root, Nellie J. Stratton, Henry A. Wallace, Sherman Whitney, and many others.
- 1926-1928
- From the Collection: Phillips, Everett Franklin, 1878-1951. (Person)
Language of Materials
Collection material in English
4.3 cubic feet. (4.3 cubic feet.)
Repository Details
Part of the Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections Repository
2B Carl A. Kroch Library
Cornell University
Ithaca NY 14853
607-255-9524 (Fax)