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Series I. New York City League for Sexual Freedom



From the Collection:

Files about the NYC League for Sexual Freedom, all from 1964, including a proposal for its structure dated 20 April 1964, and a pink mimeographed rough draft of this proposal with handwritten notes. Seven letters to and from Goring about the League, 1 from Jefferson Poland. Danny Sloan wrote to William Goring about Sloan's recent broadcast with Barry Gray on December 14th. On the letterhead, Allen Ginsberg and others are listed as advisory committee members of the NYLSF. Flyers showing the issues of concern to the League included the military's rules on sexuality and invasion of privacy; freedom to be nude; the rights of publishers, booksellers, and motion picture makers to create and distribute erotica; the defense of comedian Lenny Bruce; the Village Voice refusing to advertise a lesbian event; homosexual rights; legalizing prostitution; rights for prisoners; wife swapping and the swinging lifestyle; and a campaign to liberalize the policies of the Reference division of the NY Public Library. Also a flyer announcing Ralph Ginzburg speaking about his erotic magazine Eros, and newspaper clippings.

Typed statements of The Feminists, including their manifesto, organizational principles and structure, and essays written by the founders, Ti-Grace Atkinson, Barbara Mehrhof and Sheila Cronan, and other members, from circa 1968-1970.


  • circa 1964-1970.


Language of Materials

Collection material in English


.1 cubic feet. (.1 cubic feet.)

Repository Details

Part of the Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections Repository

2B Carl A. Kroch Library
Cornell University
Ithaca NY 14853
607-255-9524 (Fax)