Jacks of Color, 1990
Records of the organization Men of All Colors Together/New York (MACT/NY) since its founding in 1980, including Board minutes, treasurer's reports, photographs and slides of events and board members (many by photographer Robert Giard and member James Toms), files on their 1992-1994 venture, the Whole Health Support Group, to provide support to people with HIV/AIDS, and communication with other chapters of the National Association of Black and White Men Together, including People of All Colors Together (PACT) in Newark, NJ. Its NABWMT files include records of the New York sponsored annual conference in 1986. Also, a subject file arranged alphabetically that includes the incorporation papers and bylaws, notes on the history of the organization, files on deceased members, flyers and other files on events, clippings and press releases, and other documentation of the group's activities. The collection contains an incomplete set of the MACT/NY Bulletin, starting with number 5 from September 1980. Member files include press releases, fund raising announcements, calendars, and social event tickets from 1981-1983 saved by Bruce Voeller. The special correspondence folder includes letters from writer Audre Lorde and South African anti-apartheid and gay rights activist Tseko Simon Nkoli and a letter to choreographer Arnie Zane.
- 1990
Language of Materials
Collection material in English
Access Restrictions:
Access to membership lists in Box 3 restricted for 80 years from date of creation.
2.4 cubic feet. (2.4 cubic feet.)
Repository Details
Part of the Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections Repository
2B Carl A. Kroch Library
Cornell University
Ithaca NY 14853
607-255-9524 (Fax)