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EBT to Professor W. F. Willcox, 3/25/24

 Item — Box: 5


From the Collection:

Largely correspondence presenting a picture of the professional status and varied interests of a scholar of international reputation, and containing much information on fellow psychologists, psychology departments at other universities, and the struggle of psychology to establish itself as an academic discipline. Most of the correspondence is incoming, but carbon copies of Titchener's letters are available in large quantity from 1921 through 1927. There is also correspondence with colleagues and students concerning the research and writings of Titchener and his fellow psychologists and the publication of THE AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PSYCHOLOGY. It reveals as well as the high quality of work he demanded from his students and his interest in their careers; other letters include two from Walter Pater, his tutor at Oxford, and one from Sigmund Freud. Other items include a bound typescript of Titchener's A BEGINNER'S PSYCHOLOGY (1915), inscribed to Edwin Boring, other books by Titchener, pamphlets, and photographs.

Correspondents include Frank Angell, James R. Angell, J. W. Baird, J. Mark Baldwin, Edwin G. Boring, J. McKeen Cattell, Karl M. Dallenbach, John Dewey, Raymond Dodge, Samuel W. Fernberger, G. Stanley Hall, Edwin B. Holt, William James, Joseph Jastrow, Charles Judd, A. Kirschmann, Oswald Külpe, Christine Ladd-Franklin, Herbert Langfeld, Hugo Münsterberg, A. H. Pierce, Walter B. Pillsbury, Josiah Royce, Edmund Clark Sanford, Carl E. Seashore, E. L. Thorndike, R. A. Tsanoff, Howard C. Watson, John B. Watson, Louis N. Wilson, Howland Wood, Robert Yerkes, Harry P. Weld, and Paul T. Young.


  • 3/25/24


Language of Materials

Collection material in English


6.2 cubic feet. (6.2 cubic feet.)

Repository Details

Part of the Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections Repository

2B Carl A. Kroch Library
Cornell University
Ithaca NY 14853
607-255-9524 (Fax)