Statistics summary - recognition degree programs, 1980-1982
Office files and printed materials relating to planning conferences and programs; National Planning Awards submissions; and materials regarding planning education. Correspondence, reports, news releases, speeches, statements, biographies, mailing lists, photographs, programs, printed materials, applications, and files pertaining to conferences and programs of the American Planning Association; included are files of Stephen L. Cochran (1980-84) and Israel Stollman; news releases, speeches, articles, an interview, and newsletters concerning the Urban Enterprise Zone Conference of APA's Washington, DC, Chapter (1981); reports, mailing lists, and publicity materials regarding the Dallas National Planning Conference (1982); applications from universities with planning programs for recognition by the APA National Education Development Committee (1979-84); and National Planning Awards submissions (1985 and 1987). Also, films and microfilms, and Dennis O'Harrow speeches and material.
Includes minutes, newsletters, conference records, numerous planning publications from various institutional entities now part of APA, proceedings from meetings, audiotapes of lectures, and other records and publications.
- 1980-1982
- From the Collection: American Planning Association (Organization)
Language of Materials
Collection material in English
153.3 cubic feet. (153.3 cubic feet.)
Repository Details
Part of the Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections Repository
2B Carl A. Kroch Library
Cornell University
Ithaca NY 14853
607-255-9524 (Fax)