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Cash Book

 File — Volume: J-3


From the Collection:

The bulk of these papers consist of grocery and general merchandise daybooks, cashbooks, customers' ledgers, inventories, order books, checkbooks and other accounts (80 v., 1851-1854, 1872-1916) mainly of Hammond Brothers (John and Thomas), the Hammond Store, and [E.J.] Barker and [Wallace] Wyman, successors (1871) to the Hammonds; also cashbooks, payroll records and board bills for furnace, furnace store, and company railroad employees, canal and lake steamer shipping accounts, and journals (7 v., 1858-1880) of the Crown Point Iron Company; accounts for the furnace company store, which include daybooks, customers' ledgers, and a cashbook (11 v., 1874-1886); miscellaneous accounts (11 v., 1847-1889) of Hammond and Company, Charles Franklin Hammond, the Sugar Hill Company, and others; bankbooks (10 v., 1835-1866) and checkbook stubs (13 v., 1855-1883), covering accounts which C. F. Hammond and Hammond and Company had with banks in Whitehall and Troy; and one daybook of Allen Penfield (1845-1861). In addition to bound account books, the papers also include correspondence, financial statements, orders, invoices, vouchers, board and freight bills, boat operation receipts, general store bills and receipts, and memoranda notebooks. Essex County.


  • 1851-1880


Language of Materials

Collection material in English


6.5 cubic feet.

126 volumes.

Repository Details

Part of the Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections Repository

2B Carl A. Kroch Library
Cornell University
Ithaca NY 14853
607-255-9524 (Fax)