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Cornell University - College of Arts and Sciences for Conduct of Examinations and Cases of Fraud in More than One College, Undated

 Item — Box: 2, Folder: 1


From the Collection:

Printed entrance, scholarship, and class examinations, 1869-1931. Also "Lists of Candidates and Schedule of Examinations for Advanced Degrees," 1892-1913. Bound volume of entrance and class examinations, 1871-1879, with a list of reference books in the University Library, 1879, kept by the Chi Chapter of Psi Upsilon. Blank examinations for botany, undated; rhetoric, 1872; French, 1871, 1872; and German, 1873. Exams from Charles David Damsky, M.E. 1917 course E14 Elementary Electrical Engineering first prelim November 1, 1915, third prelim January 26, 1916, E15 Elementary Electrical Engineering Experiment B, E35 Electrical Engineering for Mechanical Engineering Seniors first prelim December 14, 1916. Second prelim February 8, 1917, History 54 Jacksonian democracy readings collateral to Fish Ch, X-XV, also additional study material. Also a sheet from the Office of the Registrar called Explination of Grading Systems.

Also, "Examination Questions on the Lectures on Political Economy delivered by Prof. W. D. Wilson," 1871. Series IV contains exams from the New York State College Entrance Examination Board (1903-1908) and the New York State Education Department (1911-1915).


  • Undated

Language of Materials

Collection material in English


.6 cubic feet. (.7 cubic feet.)

Repository Details

Part of the Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections Repository

2B Carl A. Kroch Library
Cornell University
Ithaca NY 14853
607-255-9524 (Fax)