Resolution of the Trustees and Faculty of Cornell University on the Death of John Henry Comstock Emeritus Professor of Entomology, 1930-12
Includes personal correspondence of Anna Botsford and Henry John (later John Henry) Comstock, 1859-1923; professional correspondence (1878-1926) documenting John Henry Comstock's influence in the development of entomology departments in colleges throughout the United States; publications by or about the Comstocks; lecture and field notes; certificates and awards; typescript draft of an autobiography by Anna Comstock, published posthumously as THE COMSTOCKS OF CORNELL: JOHN HENRY AND ANNA BOTSFORD COMSTOCK edited by Glenn W. Herrick and Ruby Green Smith, 1953; Botsford and Comstock family photographs; Anna Botsford diaries (1870-71, 1874-75) and poem; a scrapbook relating to the Botsford family, Phebe Irish Botsford, and Anna Botsford Comstock; materials concerning wood engraving; photographs and sketches (pen and ink and pencil) of insects by Anna Comstock used in Comstock Press publications; glass lantern slides used in Anna Comstock's nature study classes; wood block; engraving tools; and wood engravings of plants, insects, and nature scenes by Anna Botsford Comstock.
NATURE SONGS AND STORIES, by Katherine Creighton, illustrated by Anna Comstock, Comstock Publishing Company, 1914, autographed by Creighton and Comstock.
Woodcuts and drawings by others, presented to the Comstocks.
Bound manuscript "Jottings - Spiders," probably written by John Henry Comstock for Jennie Bartlett. Also, samples of various printing and engraving techniques, probably collected by Anna Botsford Comstock.
Photocopy of typescript letter from Henry Comstock to Charles Darwin regarding Comstock's report on cotton insects (June 4, 1880).
- 1930-12
- From the Collection: Comstock, Anna Botsford, 1854-1930. (Person)
- From the Collection: Comstock, John Henry, 1849-1931. (Person)
- From the Collection: Creighton, Katherine. (Title of work: Nature songs and stories..) (Person)
- From the Collection: Herrick, Glenn W. (Glenn Washington), 1870-1965. (Person)
Language of Materials
Collection material in English
7 cubic feet. (7 cubic feet.)
Repository Details
Part of the Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections Repository
2B Carl A. Kroch Library
Cornell University
Ithaca NY 14853
607-255-9524 (Fax)