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Lloyd R. Simons

 File — Box: 41, Folder: 10


From the Collection:

Cooperative Extension Administration files regarding county extension associations; Cornell departments including Agricultural Economics, Agricultural Engineering, Agronomy, Animal Science, Botany, Conservation, Entomology, Food Science, Plant Breeding and Biometry, Rural Sociology, Communication Arts, and Buildings and Grounds; committees and special projects; community resource development; project summaries, 1914-1965; some annual summaries of county farm bureaus and home bureaus. Also, miscellaneous files on dairy herd improvement, 1919; farm management, 1917-1918; National Board of Farm Organizations, 1919; New York State Dept. of Health; New York State Grange, 1918-1919; agricultural conservation, 1936; Farm and Home Week, 1930-1942; farm debt adjustment and debt reconciliation, 1934; farm forestry program, 1939; Farm Bureau Federation, 1938 and 1940; rural electrification program, 1936-1942; rural housing, 1946-1947; and World War II activities. Files of Lincoln Kelsey, primarily relating to Cornell United Religious work and to the Christian Rural Fellowship movement; radio speech scripts, 1932-1941; and negotiations about the Bartlett Club, 1947. Also, Annual Reports (1944-1960); "On the Extension Line" (1968-1992); and "Perspectives" (1992), and two student papers on Extension written by Lucinda Noble (1959).

Financial records regarding the publication of the Bulletin and Experiment Station Memoir, published by Cooperative Extension for the New York State Agricultural Experiment Station at Ithaca. Includes material on Hurricane Agnes and the Flood of 1972; Extension Faculty Resources material; and records relating to the New York State Association of Extension Home Economists, and the American Home Economics Association.

Eleven cards, 5/17/1915-8/17/1927, published by Cooperative Agricultural Extension Work in cooperation with the New York State Food Supply Commission. These cards contain helpful information regarding preparation and preservation of foods.

Includes publications and videotapes of various extension programs.


  • 1915-2015.


Language of Materials

Collection material in English


68.7 cubic feet. (68.7 cubic feet.)

Repository Details

Part of the Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections Repository

2B Carl A. Kroch Library
Cornell University
Ithaca NY 14853
607-255-9524 (Fax)