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Larson and Moe, Richfield Springs and Van Hornesville, 1958 , survey schedule.

 File — Box: 81


From the Collection:

Collection includes schedules, interviewers' notes, correspondence, and other records containing information on individuals, households, farms, neighborhoods, and organizations gathered during the following projects in New York and elsewhere: Farm Security Administration study of non-commercial agriculture, Grundy and Reynolds Counties, Mo., Orange Co., Vt., Beltrami Co., Minn., Oglethorpe and Laurens Counties, Ga., Grayson Co., Va., Mercer Co., W. Va., and Knox Co., Tenn. (1938-42); social participation of farm families, Cortland Co. (1939); rural community organizations, Broome Co. (1939); social status of rural households in low income areas, Otsego, Steuben, and St. Lawrence Counties (1940); families on marginal farmlands, Town of Erin, Chemung Co. (1940); social stratification in a rural community, Spencer, Tioga Co. (1940); and the rural community in wartime, Waterville, Oneida Co. (1944).

Also, studies of community and organizational leadership, Waterville (1946); rural community development, Schuyler Co. (1947, 1957), Richfield Springs, Otsego Co., Van Hornesville, Herkimer Co. (1948, 1958); community voluntary organizations, Odessa Central School District, Schuyler Co. (1948); participation and attitudes of rural young people, Odessa School District (1948); the provision and use of health services in rural New York, Cortland and Otsego Counties (1949-50), 1957-58, 1960), Chautauqua and Livingston Counties (1950-51, 1958-60), Clinton and Ulster Counties (1951-52, 1959-60); farmers' knowledge of, participation in, and and suggestions concerning agricultural programs (1951); social change in a rural community, Brooktondale and Slaterville Springs, Tompkins Co. (1951); personal adjustment of residents in homes for the aged, Ithaca, Tompkins Co., Oxford, Chenango Co., and Red Hook, Dutchess Co. (1951); social change, Marathon, Cortland Co. (1954); dairy farm practice adoption, Richfield Springs and Van Hornesville (1956); study of organizations, Odessa School District and Richfield Springs School District (1957-58); attitudes of rural high school students toward occupations, Odessa, Richfield Springs, Van Hornesville, and Trumansburg Central Schools (1958); migration plans of high school seniors, St. Lawrence Co. (1962); social analysis of Southold, Southold Township, Long Island, N.Y. (1964); and a New York State farm labor study (1966).


  • 1958


Language of Materials

Collection material in English

Access Restrictions:

From the Collection:

Acces to survey records restricted to the permission of the University Archivist. Original investigator shall have unrestricted access to and use of records.


172.7 cubic feet. (172.7 cubic feet.)

Repository Details

Part of the Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections Repository

2B Carl A. Kroch Library
Cornell University
Ithaca NY 14853
607-255-9524 (Fax)