Irrigation Project 1959., 1959-60
Correspondence, typescripts, reports, drafts, handwritten notes of telephone conversations, and publications pertaining to his deanship of the New York State College of Agriculture from 1959 to 1972 and to his work as Liberty Hyde Bailey Professor of Agricultural Sciences beginning in 1972. The papers mainly document the administration and growth of the New York State College of Agriculture, its departments, committees, and related activities, including the New York State Agricultural Experiment Station, the New York State Cooperative Extension Service, and the Water Resources Center; the relation of the New York State College of Agriculture with Cornell University, state and federal governments, and other organizations, including the New York State Department of Agriculture and Markets, the United States Department of Agriculture, and the United States Agency for International Development, the Ford Foundation, the Rockefeller Foundation, the Foundation for American Agriculture, the National Academy of Sciences - National Research Council, the National Science Foundation, the National Association of State Universities and Land Grant Colleges, Agway, the New York State Horticultural Society, the New York State Grange, and the State University of New York. Subjects include the Office of International Agricultural Development's Chapingo and Los Baños Projects in Mexico and the Philippines, and the New York State Cooperative Extension Service (including 4-H).
Also, the College of Agriculture Advisory Council, the Cornell University Division of Biological Sciences, the College of Agriculture Television Project, student dissent and protest, McDonald Farms, Uihlein Farms, and the Miner Institute, agricultural research and economics, international agriculture and the world food supply, the expanded use of pesticides and the sociological implications of their application, environmentalism, the Adirondack Study Commission, Alpha Zeta, agricultural labor, migrant labor, and the Cohn Farm controversy, the Agricultural Policy Accountability Project, the vegetable, fruit and wine industries, the food processing and marketing industries, and the New York State sugar beet industry. Major correspondents include Morton Adams, Donald W. Barton, Charles Dana Bennett, Maurice C. Bond, Damon Boynton, Earl L. Butz, Orville L. Freeman, Deane W. Malott, Leland Spencer, Nyle C. Brady, Dale R. Corson, Edmund H. Fallon, W. Keith Kennedy, Joseph P. King, Thomas E. LaMont, Deane W. Malott, T. Norman Hurd, William I. Myers, James A. Perkins, Nelson A. Rockefeller, Edward H. Smith, Kenneth L. Turk, and D.L. Umali.
- 1959-60
- From the Collection: Palm, Charles Edmund, 1911-1996. (Person)
Language of Materials
Collection material in English
83 cubic feet. (83 cubic feet.)
Repository Details
Part of the Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections Repository
2B Carl A. Kroch Library
Cornell University
Ithaca NY 14853
607-255-9524 (Fax)